The army is quite possibly the most important in-game asset apart from the NFTs. They can help make or break your victory. They have ‘collective conscience’ which means that a single tap on the screen can be used to access all of them. For example, a single tap on the screen will make your troops move forward or backward on the battlefield.
In the game, the army is always at the front. They protect the barracks, temples, garrisons, mages, and more from the opponent’s troops in the battlefield. They also protect their resources such as metal and wood.
It is important for the player to understand how to place the army in the battleground because his victory depends on it. You can find in-game instructions for the same. The game also allows you to take inspiration from your opponent’s islands. Survey your island and pick the ground for battle that will help you win.
Militia are army men who have a certain level of control over the other army men. They cannot command them but they can guide them. They are smart, quick, and responsive to the commands of the player.
The archers are the most important group of soldiers after militia. They can collectively target your opponent’s army and are capable of attacking a large troop at once. There are two kinds of archers present currently in the game. Short range archers use the land of the battlefield to attack the opponent while long range archers use archeries to attack the opponent. For short range archers, the land is more than enough. But for long range archers, the player needs to unlock archeries so that they can attack the opponent’s army from a mile away.
The swordsmen are always placed at the front of the battle. Abundantly available and highly trained, these swordsmen are capable of taking out multiple troops of the opponent. They are dependent on the player’s commands and are limited to sword-to-sword combat. All swordsmen require regular upgrades and trainings to work efficiently in the battle.
The spearmen are always placed in the middle of the troops. Their job is to protect archers and commanders from the opponent. Their moves are highly automated. However, the direction of their movement can be changed. For example, if the opponent’s army is approaching from the south then the player has to place the spearmen such that they will be able to stop them from the front. Therefore, the spearmen need to placed north of the opponent’s army.
Footmen are the manpower of the army. Their job is to bring resources and to tend to the army. These footmen are also placed in medical camps to aid the injured army men. Footmen require no upgrades or training as their job is limited to campgrounds. The footmen are also the people that need saving. A player should remember to place his medical camps such that it cannot be raided by the opponent’s army. They should also remember to keep the medical camp as close to the barracks or military grounds as possible.
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